More and more people have their hearts set on travelling these days. While it can be exciting for them, it can also be a sad time for the friends they leave behind. But it doesn’t have to be!
The main purpose of a Going Away Party is to give the traveller fond memories of home and to let them know how much they’re appreciated when home. Be sure to take as many photos of the night as possible so they can carry the memories with them.
Advice and Tips
Have all the guests sign a book, telling how much they love the person going away and why they’ll be missed. It will be a nice keepsake for the traveller while away from home. It’s also a great way of giving them contact details so they can stay in touch while gone.
One idea is to have each guest find somewhere interesting or something to do at the destination of the traveller. Draw up a list and challenge them to complete each task once they get there.
Send your friends off in style by holding a party they won’t forget with some of the following theme ideas.
Bon Voyage Party Themes
Post Card Party:
Have the guests make their own individual post cards to give to the happy traveller. Once overseas, the guest of honour can send the postcards back, telling of their exciting travels and adventures.
Cocktails of the World Party:
Everyone loves a cocktail party, but if someone’s planning to jet set all over the globe, why not make a fun night by creating cocktails using ingredients from each country they plan to visit. This can also be made into a fun night by providing food that they’d find in each country as well.
Things You Won’t Miss Party:
This is the perfect idea for a fancy-dress party! Have each guest turn up in costume dressed as the most annoying thing they can think of. Remind the traveller about all the ridiculously annoying things they’ll be leaving behind and they’ll enjoy the trip even more. You’ll also have fun playing the part of less desirables such as politicians, celebrities, anything that they won’t soon miss!
Travelling Light Party:
Have guests each bring the smallest farewell gift they can think of, with prizes at the end of the night for the smallest but most practical gift. And no cheating! A grain of rice doesn’t count!
Games and Activities
Pack Attack:
Arrange items about the floor and have guests pack a suitcase or travel bag as fast as they can. Set a timer and have prizes for whoever can pack the bag fastest.
Customs Search:
Fill several old suitcases with clothing, hiding a prize in one of the suitcases. Have guests pick a suitcase and see who finds the prize!
Where Am I…?
Before the party send each guest a country that they have to identify with on the night. As the night progresses, guests must ask each other questions, trying to guess which country another person is meant to be.